

Llaüts are the most iconic fishing vessels of the Balearic Islands. Their unique characteristics serve the needs of traditional Mediterranean fishing methods, such as volantín (line fishing) and curricán (trolling), but were also used as ferries between Ibiza and Formentera.

Llaüts would bring a wide selection of tasty fish to the shores: rotja (scorpion fish), gallo (megrim), mero (grouper), raon (razorfish), dentón (dentex) and sirvia (amberjack) As an example of local craftsmanship and culture, the mestres d’aixa (boat builders), were artisans who skilfully used local wood to build the llaüts.

Today, it is the perfect vessel for leisure boating and recreational fishing. Some llaüts can still be seen moored by the emblematic casetas varadero.

In summer, our customers often take a trip out on a llaüt to discover Ibiza’s seafaring heritage and to explore the island’s coastal waters. The owners of these vessels transmit their passion for the Ibizan coast and share their knowledge about the magic of the Mediterranean Sea that surrounds the island.